Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
Acceptance of Policy
The use of our website signifies your acceptance of this policy. The Seattle Social Housing Developer (“SSHD”) reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time.
Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
You are hereby advised that any reliance upon any materials on this website shall be at your sole risk. The Seattle Social Housing Developer reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without obligation, to make amendments to, or correct any errors or omissions in any portion of these materials at any time.
While the Seattle Social Housing Developer strives to maintain the accuracy and timeliness of this website, SSHD makes no representations or warranties as to the truth, accuracy, or completeness of any statements, information, or materials concerning the information that may be contained on the Seattle Social Housing Developer website. In no event will the Seattle Social Housing Developer be liable for any direct, indirect, punitive, special, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use of this website, however such damages may arise, even if the Seattle Social Housing Developer has been advised of the possibility of such damages. The SSHD is neither responsible nor liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions arising from the use of or inability to use this site or any material posted on the site, whether the materials contained on the site are provided by the SSHD or a third party.
The Seattle Social Housing Developer does not represent or warrant that the website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the webpages or the server that makes them available are free of viruses or other harmful programs or files. The SSHD website and all materials contained on it are distributed and transmitted “as is” without warranties of any kind. By using the Seattle Social Housing Developer website, visitors assume all risks associated with its use, including risk of the visitor's computer, software, or data being damaged by any virus, program, or file, which might be transmitted or activated by a Seattle Social Housing Developer webpage or the visitor's access to it.
Copyright Notice – 2024 Seattle Social Housing Developer, Washington
The Seattle Social Housing Developer owns and retains the copyright and/or service marks, trademarks, patents and/or other proprietary rights on designated materials contained on this website, including but not limited to the website look and feel, text, graphic images, software, music, video and any other format and content contained on this website. All rights reserved.
Copies of any information or materials may be printed for limited personal, non-commercial use only. Written permission from the Seattle Social Housing Developer is required for any commercial or other use or distribution of the information or materials on this site.
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Unauthorized attempts to upload information or change information on this website is strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, as amended, and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.
The Seattle Social Housing Developer encourages you to exercise discretion while browsing the Internet. You may find links on this website to the sites of organizations, agencies or businesses affiliated with SSHD or one of its programs or events, and these outside webpages are not under the control of the Seattle Social Housing Developer. The links to outside web pages may direct you to sites containing information that some people may find offensive or inappropriate. The Seattle Social Housing Developer makes no representations concerning any endeavor to review the content of external webpages and does not warrant and is not responsible for the accuracy, reliability, legality, copyright compliance, timeliness or decency of any information or material published on outside or external websites. Moreover, the Seattle Social Housing Developer is not responsible for the privacy practices of linked sites. These sites may send cookies to users, collect data or solicit personal information.
If you access our website, some information about you may be collected automatically. This information will not identify you personally. Information automatically collected may include your IP address, Internet domain name, browser type, operating system, and the address of a website if it provided a link to our site, pages that you visit on our site, and date and time of your visit.
Information Automatically Collected
We may use the above information to improve our site by telling us the number of visitors and types of browsers and operating systems our visitors are using.
The Seattle Social Housing Developer will not: share personal information gathered on this website with other agencies or persons unless required by law; create personal profiles or provide personal information to private organizations; or collect and/or sell information for commercial marketing.
Personal Information
We do not collect personal information about you unless you choose to provide it to us. You may fill out a form and provide us with information such as your name, address, or telephone number. The information you provide to us will be used only for the purpose for which it is intended, however once submitted to this website it becomes a public record and may be subject to public record keeping regulations including disclosure.
We do not sell any personal information to third parties. We may transfer personal information to a third party only in the following cases:
An account with a financial institution must receive payment for a transaction you initiated.
A company, that agrees not to sell or use personal information for other purposes, is contracted to assist the Seattle Social Housing Developer with specific services.
As required by a legal action.
Use and Interaction on Social Networks
The Seattle Social Housing Developer utilizes communication tools on social networks. These sites are intended to serve as a mechanism for communication between the public and the SSHD on the listed topics. Any comments submitted to those pages and its list of fans or followers are public records subject to disclosure pursuant to Chapter 42.56 of the Revised Code of Washington. Public disclosure requests must be directed to the Seattle Social Housing Developer’s Public Records Officer.
Comments posted to those pages will be monitored. Under the Seattle Social Housing Developer's policy, the SSHD reserves the right to remove inappropriate comments including those that have obscene language or sexual content, threaten or defame any person or organization, violate the legal ownership interest of another party, support or oppose political candidates or ballot propositions, promote illegal activity, promote commercial services or products or are not topically related to the particular posting.
The Seattle Social Housing Developer will stay informed of and adhere to applicable public records laws and statutes.
The SSHD will retain records that serve a government purpose, or as otherwise mandated by statute or regulation.
The SSHD has a duty to make known the procedures it has in place for the inspection of information held about an individual or other entity.
The SSHD or its information technology consultants will save a “snapshot” of the SSHD’s website on a monthly basis for public records retention purposes.
Records Management
Site Security
The Seattle Social Housing Developer has taken steps to safeguard the information on its site including monitoring, auditing and encryption. Security measures are taken as a part of the implementation of all SSHD software and hardware infrastructure to mitigate risk. However, the Seattle Social Housing Developer cannot warrant as fail-proof the security of information collected or provided via this website. Unauthorized attempts to change information on this site or upload information are strictly prohibited. The SSHD’s privacy and security policy does not apply to outside sites.
Any questions or comments about these materials should be directed to the Seattle Social Housing Developer. Please contact info@socialhousingseattle.org
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